Monday, 30 September 2013

So this is me Blogging

If anyone has had a conversation with me over the last year,  likely the word "pinterest" has come out of my mouth once or twice.  I realize that yes,  I am a nerd. And I am obsessed with interior design.  And if you are one of my amazing friends who in casual conversation has mentioned the need for ideas or change in your home, you realize that involves 14 random excited suggestions on the spot, 6 product or online shopping recommendations (complete with where to find coupon codes and which retailer has a better shipping policy) one "I'll make you a pinterest board for ideas!" and if you hit me on a particularly productive day it will be followed up with text messaging and the odd kijiji listing via email. One day I will figure out a way to make a living off of my insanity but  for now here are my rantings.

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